Our Terms And Conditions For List Holders

1. These Terms

What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions on which we provide our products and services to you in helping you create a wedding gift list and delivering your chosen gifts to you.

Why you should read them. Please read these terms carefully before you create an account with us or order any gifts. These terms let you know who we are, how we will provide your gifts to you, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact us to discuss.

Right to amend these terms. We may amend these terms from time to time. We will notify you in writing if there is any material change to these terms, but please check back for the latest terms that apply.

2. About Us And How To Contact Us

Who are we? We are Wedding List Solutions Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02519495 and our registered office address is at The Metro Building 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, London, England, W6 8DL. We trade under the name The Wedding Shop.

How to contact us. If you would like to know more about the products or services we provide, you can call our customer service team on 020 7384 8400, email them at hello@weddingshop.com or write to us at our registered office address.

How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provide to us when you register an account with us.

3. Getting Started

Your Wedding Shop Account. You will need to register an online account with us before you can create your Gift List. To create an account, you will need to provide us with your name, your partner’s name, your address, your email address and the date of your wedding. You agree to keep your username and password relating to your Wedding Shop Account confidential at all times. You are responsible for all activities relating to your Wedding Shop Account.

Once you have set up your Wedding Shop Account, you will have a dedicated Wedding Shop Gift Guru who you can call or email to discuss any queries.

In registering an account, you have accepted these terms and conditions, and this is the point where a contract is formed between us and you.

Cancellation Rights Under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have the right to cancel your contract with us during the time periods set out below.

This cancellation right starts from a period of 14 days after you receive an email confirmation from us.

To cancel a contract, please contact us by calling our customer service team on 020 7384 8400, emailing them at hello@weddingshop.com or writing to us at our registered office address.

4. Overview Of How Our Service Works

  • After registering an account with us, you compile a list of different gifts that you would like. These gifts could be from our ‘branded product’ range, ‘custom’ products from another store or ‘cash contributions’, such as honeymoon contributions or charity contributions.
  • Your guests buy these gifts for you.
  • The monies that your guests have used to buy these gifts for you are monies that have been pledged.
  • You can use these pledges to place an order for gifts. (There are stipulations as to how you can use your pledges.)
  • Once you place an order for the gifts that you ultimately would like, we will start the process of getting these to you.
  • Due to our highly personalised shopping experience where we source items specifically for you, many of our products have longer lead-times. We aim to deliver these gifts to you within 4-8 weeks.
  • For cash contributions, we will transfer these pledges to your bank account.
  • For charity contributions, we will transfer these pledges to your bank account. From there, you can easily donate to your charity of choice.
  • Our service is free of charge for couples.
  • Guests spending £75 or more on branded product qualify for free delivery, otherwise it costs £3.99.
  • On any cash contributions or honeymoon funds, should your guests purchase these, we will charge your guests a 1.9% handling fee, which is simply to cover the transaction costs charged by our payment gateway provider, Stripe. For example, if a guest is gifting £100 to a cash fund, we will charge them £101.90 and you will receive the £100 gift. Guests contributing to a charitable fund are not charged this fee. The Wedding Shop pays the transaction costs on charitable donations as a gesture of goodwill for their generosity towards a good cause. There are no fees attached to any of our branded products, vouchers, or custom products.
  • You can manage your gift list in-store or online.

5. Compiling Your List

i) Branded products

Choose products you’ll love from over 450 of our branded partners/suppliers. ‘Branded products’ mean products that are offered by the partners/suppliers on our Brands page on our website. ‘Brand Partners mean the partners/suppliers on our Brands page on our website.

We can offer the vast majority of products that are featured on that supplier’s particular website. If you can’t see what you want from that supplier on our website, then let us know and we will do our best to find it for you. (E.g. where that supplier like Dyson has an online exclusive, we may not be able to source this for you but we will do our best to find a suitable alternative for you).

All branded products are sold at the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) as provided to us by the relevant suppliers.

When it comes to placing an order, you have full flexibility within ‘branded product’. This means that if a guest has pledged against a branded item that you have chosen, you can still select another item from our branded products and order that, even if you didn’t have these items on your list originally. For example, if you have added a branded product toaster to your list and this is bought for you by a guest, then you have the flexibility if you would like to change this to another item in branded product such as a kettle.

Any pledges made against branded products can only be spent by you within our branded products. They cannot be transferred to vouchers, cash, custom products or charity. You can however move pledges made against vouchers and experiences, cash contributions and custom products to be spent on our branded products.

Ordering on Pledge

In addition to this flexibility, you have the option of us ‘Ordering on Pledge’. This means that if a guest pledges towards an item that has been set by you as ‘Order on Pledge’, then we will go ahead and order that item for you. This will arrive in our warehouse and be collated along with your other items ready for delivery.  

You can set individual items (branded products only) on your list to be ‘Ordered on Pledge’ or you can set all the branded products on your list to be Ordered on Pledge. You can enable and disable ‘Order on Pledge’ until it has been pledged for (or partially pledged for in the case of Group Gifts). Once an Ordered on Pledge item has been pledged for, the Order of Pledge feature cannot be disabled and you cannot change this item to another item. 

There are instances where an item that was set to Order on Pledge may not be ordered straight away by our team: 

  • If a pledged for item is part of a set or a range, we will only order this item once all the items from this set or range on your wedding list has been pledged for, unless you tell us otherwise in writing  
  • If you have more than one of the same item on your wedding list, and only one has been purchased by a guest, unless you tell us otherwise in writing. 
  • If a Group Gift has not been fully-pledged for. We will only order the item once the Group Gift is fully pledged. 
  • If the value of your order does not reach our minimum order value with our supplier. In this instance we will have to wait for other orders to come through to hit that minimum order value. 
  • For personalised items, we will contact you to confirm personalisation details before we order these items for you. 
  • For direct delivery items (eg. large furniture), we will contact you to confirm delivery details before we order these items for you. 

It is also possible that items can be pledged for, then Ordered On Pledge but that the item may be discontinued during this process. If this happens, we will do our best to find you a suitable alternative within our branded products. 

It is important to note that we do not carry stock. This means we offer unmatched flexibility so you can add anything you want to your gift list, including items from over 450 brands and more. Once you’ve placed your order(s) we begin collating your gifts. Our personalised service means each gift is sourced individually — and specifically — for you. Every item is handled with care and safely stored while we fulfill your whole registry. Compiling your tailor-made list takes a little time to ensure it arrives perfectly. Gifts are usually delivered within 4-8 weeks, with most arriving at our warehouse within 4 weeks.

Discontinuations by our suppliers can happen. Subject to our suppliers, we will do our best to find you a suitable alternative within our branded products.

Prices for Branded Products are set at the recommended retail price, but occasionally prices may change. Should the price change for a Branded Product on your Gift List, we will contact you and give you a minimum of two weeks to confirm your order at the original amount. You can of course avoid any price increases on the gifts your guests have bought you by selecting the “order on pledge” option.

However, if your guest(s) have already pledged against an item, and the supplier subsequently increases that price, then we will provide you with a minimum of two weeks notice. Eg. if your guest pledged against a Smeg kettle for £140, and the next day Smeg increased the price of that kettle to £145, we would email you with a date that the price increase comes into effect allowing you a minimum of two weeks to order your Smeg Kettle at the original amount of £140. After the date of the increase has passed, we will increase that price to £145 to reflect the price increase from the supplier. The kettle would cost you £145 from this point onwards.

(ii) Custom products

In addition to our huge range of branded products, we offer you the ability to add products from other brands not found on our website. These we refer to as ‘custom products’.

There is a limit of 10 custom products that you can have on your list. There is no charge for this feature.

Please bear in mind that if you are adding (for example) 6 of the same dinner plate, this will count as one custom product, but if you added 6 different, individual dinner plates, this will count as 6 custom products. If you added a set of 6 dinner plates, this would count as 1 custom product.

If you choose to load custom products via our “Add an item from another website” function, you need to add this custom product onto your list at that website’s recommended retail price (“RRP”) (We will not list these products at promotional or sale prices).

You will also need to make sure that you are adding the correct model, colour, price and quantity.

We reserve the right to change any custom product to the correct and most current RRP.

Custom products must be from a UK website and must be priced in Pounds Sterling.

Occasionally, we find that some custom products added to lists can be sourced through our Brand Partners. To allow us to check this for you, any custom products added to your list will be held in a “pending” state for up to 3 working days. We will e-mail you to confirm whether your items have been confirmed as a custom product or been switched to one of our Brand Partners.

We will notify you when any of your custom products have been purchased by one of your guests.

Funds pledged against custom products can be spent within our Branded Products and they can also be moved to a charity contribution. No funds contributed to Branded Products can be moved to Custom Products.

Custom products can be added to your gift list at any time but in order for the funds to be provided, the custom product needs to be contributed to by your guests. Please note, adding custom products once your gift list is closed is not advised.

We do not source any custom products that have been pledged for. Instead, we will transfer your custom product pledges to you as cash, allowing you to source these products from the retailer of your choice. We will offer you two free bank transfers.

(iii) Cash Contributions

We also offer you the ability to add a variety of cash contributions to your list. These can include honeymoon cash contributions, and cash contributions to specific funds (e.g. deposits to a house, car, short breaks, monthly subscriptions, home renovations etc.).

There is no limit on the number of cash contributions you can have on your list.

There is no charge for you to have cash contributions on your list.

However, on any cash contributions or honeymoon funds, should your guests purchase these, we will charge your guests a 1.9% handling fee, which is simply to cover the transaction costs charged by our payment gateway provider, Stripe. For example, if a guest is gifting £100 to a cash fund, we will charge them £101.90 and you will receive the £100 gift. Guests contributing to a charitable fund are not charged this fee. The Wedding Shop pays the transaction costs on charitable donations as a gesture of goodwill for their generosity towards a good cause. There are no fees attached to any of our branded products, vouchers, or custom products.

Pledges made towards cash contributions can be moved to be spent on branded products but cannot be moved to custom products or charity contributions.

We offer two free transfers of funds to you. We will transfer the total funds to your bank account after the wedding upon request and provision of your bank details.

(iv) Charity contributions

Choose from one of our listed charities or add your own registered charity. We will need to match your own registered charities against the Charity Commission website which lists all registered charities within the UK.

Charities must be UK registered with its own number.

Please note that cash that has been pledged against charity items cannot be moved from that particular charity to any other charity, cash contribution fund, custom product or branded product.

All charity funds are transferred directly to your bank account. From there, you can easily donate to your charity of choice. There are no fees for charity contributions. 

(v) Gift Cards

The Wedding Shop offers a Wedding Shop Gift Card ‘Gift Card’ that your guests can pledge monies to.

The Gift Card is included on your list when you register with us. However, the Gift Card is not obligatory, and you are able to remove the Gift Card from your list by selecting the ‘remove gift card’ option within your account. If you cannot find the ‘remove gift card’ function, please contact your Gift Guru.

Any pledges made to a Wedding Shop Gift Card can only be spent within our branded products, and cannot be used in exchange for cash or fund contributions, charities or custom products.

(vi) Vouchers

Any pledges made against vouchers can only be spent on vouchers and branded products; they cannot be transferred to cash or custom funds.

6. Group Gifting

Group Gifting gives your guests the option to make contributions towards higher-priced gifts. Should the full amount needed to purchase the item not be fully pledged by your guests, you will receive the partial value of what has been pledged in your Wedding Shop account.

You have the option of topping this amount up yourself to the full amount of the item and ordering it. If you choose not to top this up, the partial pledges will be put within your TWS account to be spent only within our branded products.

7. Your Guests And Their Pledges

On any cash contributions or honeymoon funds, should your guests purchase these, we will charge your guests a 1.9% handling fee, which is simply to cover the transaction costs charged by our payment gateway provider, Stripe. For example, if a guest is gifting £100 to a cash fund, we will charge them £101.90 and you will receive the £100 gift.

Guests contributing to a charitable fund are not charged this fee. The Wedding Shop pays the transaction costs on charitable donations as a gesture of goodwill for their generosity towards a good cause.

There are no fees attached to any of our branded products, vouchers, or custom products.

8. Placing Your Orders

When you are ready, you will place an order for the gifts you would like to order. You can place an order online in your account or through your Gift Guru. Please note that you must place an order before we will go ahead and order these gifts from our suppliers.

9. Delivery Of Your Gifts

We offer up to two complimentary deliveries* to our couples almost anywhere in the UK, Monday to Saturday. We are sometimes unable to offer this service to remote areas, or where the item(s) are unusually difficult to deliver. In these cases, we will work with you and our suppliers to find the best solution for you.

*Complimentary delivery is not applicable for larger and/or heavier items, such as furniture and outdoor products. In cases where the supplier of the furniture/bulky item charges a delivery charge, we will charge you the fee quoted to us by the supplier or the third-party delivery company (if applicable).

If you reside outside of the UK (including the Crown Dependencies), or wish to have your gifts shipped overseas, this falls outside our complimentary delivery. In these cases, there will be a delivery fee as well as applicable import costs to factor in. If you need help with a delivery quote to ship your gifts internationally, please let us know.

For both your convenience and ours, we will group as many items together as possible.

Gifts usually take 4-8 weeks to arrive. Our personalised service means each gift is sourced individually — and specifically — for you. Every item is handled with care and safely stored while we fulfill your whole registry. Compiling your tailor-made list takes a little time to ensure it arrives perfectly. Over our 30 years in the business we’ve found that this timing works perfectly for the majority of couples, who enjoy receiving their wedding gifts once the confetti has settled and they’re back from their honeymoon.

Occasionally there may be times when some gifts take a little longer to arrive with us. This could be due to how they’re made, where they have to travel from, or temporary stock issues with the brands themselves. In these cases, we'll make you aware and keep you updated about when they’re due to arrive.

Some of our branded products are artisanal and made to order. Lead times are longer than average for these types of gifts. In these instances, we will alert you to any issues in fulfilling gifts on your list.

10. Storage

We offer up to 3 months’ free storage for your gifts once the last gift arrives in our warehouse. After this time, a fee will apply. For more information, please contact us. (If you registered your account with us before 7th December 2022, then we will continue to offer you up to 6 months free storage for your gifts once the last gift arrives in our warehouse. After this time, a fee will apply. For more information, please contact us.)

11. Damaged Or Faulty Items

If you receive any items that are damaged or faulty within your gift delivery, please ensure that you within 7 days of receipt, and we will be delighted to arrange a replacement for you.

12. Change Of Mind/Unwanted Gifts

We do not accept return requests for any unwanted gifts once you have placed your order, other than items that are delivered damaged, faulty or differ from their advertised description.

13. Financial Guarantee

We want you to have complete peace of mind. The pledged monies that are needed to fulfil your list will be held in a separate trust account. This trust account is 100% ring-fenced and separate from our company’s bank account. The monies are held until your orders are placed.

14. Promotions

‘Promotions’ include magazine promotions, partner promotions, promotion vouchers and our ‘Refer a Friend’ promotion and any other promotion we may run from time to time.

Within our promotions, there are two types of recipient of a promotion:

  • (a) The ‘new couple’ or ‘referred couple’ or ‘new/referred couples’
  • (b) The ‘Referring couple’ which only applies to the ‘Refer a Friend’ promotion (explained further below). The referring couple is an existing or previous customer of The Wedding Shop.

The New/Referred Couple

A new couple can only have one promotion applied to their account. So, for example, if the couple has seen a promotion in a magazine and has also been referred to us by a friend who was a previous customer of The Wedding Shop, then the new couple must choose which promotion they would like applied to their account. This decision of the new couple is non-reversible.

All promotions for the referrer couple are only applied to the referrer couple’s account after all of the following criteria are satisfied:

  • (a) Our branded product must have been added to the new/referred couple’s gift list
  • (b) The gift list must have been set live and visible to guests
  • (c) The new/referred couple’s guests must have purchased £200 of branded products

Once the above criteria have been satisfied, the promotion will be applied within 7 days to the new/referred couple’s account. This can only be spent within our branded products.

Promotional vouchers and magazine promotions
Promotional vouchers (such as those from wedding fairs) and magazine promotions can only be claimed by emailing your Gift Guru directly or calling +44 (0)20 7384 8400 and quoting a valid Wedding Shop code. All promotional vouchers and magazine promotions are valid for one year after date of issue by The Wedding Shop. For these to take effect, you must register an account and claim the code with us before the date that the voucher or magazine promotion expires. The terms above apply.

The Referring Couple

Should you choose to refer a friend to us, we will credit your account with £50 and also add £50 to your friends’ list. Terms above apply

The referring couple can refer as many new couples as they choose. However, it is at the discretion of The Wedding Shop to limit the number of Refer a Friend vouchers allowed per person.

In order for the Refer a Friend promotion to be applied to both the referring couple and the referred couple, the referred couple must have no existing promotions already applied to their account. If the referred couple has existing promotions already applied to their account then no “Refer a Friend” credit for this attempted referral will be applied to either the referring couple or the referred couple. This does not prevent the referring couple from referring other new/referred couples providing that those new/referred couples do not have promotions.

All promotions for the referrer couple are only applied to the referrer couple’s account after all of the following criteria are satisfied:

  • (a) Our branded product must have been added to the new/referred couple’s gift list
  • (b) The gift list must have been set live and visible to guests
  • (c) The new/referred couple’s guests must have purchased £200 of branded products

Once the above criteria have been satisfied, the promotion will be applied within 7 days to the new/referred couple’s account. This can only be spent within our branded product.

Hitched Febuary 2024 Promotion

For the £50 credit to be applied the couple's guests must have purchased £500 of branded products.

15. Your 10% Lifetime Discount On Our Branded Products

As a past Wedding Shop customer, we are delighted to honour you a lifetime discount of 10% on our huge range of branded products once your balance reaches zero. This offer excludes: Riseart, Truly Experiences, Made.com, Neptune, any subscriptions, travel, Mr and Mrs Smith, as well as other selected brands from time to time.

We are also delighted to offer you a 20% discount on your first ‘top-up’ upon confirming your gifts and placing your order (please see section 8 above). A ‘top-up’ occurs when you add monies to your account with us; monies that were not pledged to you by your guests. For example, if your account balance with us amounts to £1,000 of pledges and you place an order that fully spends that £1,000, any money that you then add to this is called a ’top-up’. So if you added £500 yourself at this point, then we will offer you a 20% discount on this additional £500. (The 10% lifetime discount above cannot be used in addition to this topup ie. we cannot offer a total of 30% discount on this £500) This offer excludes: Riseart, Truly Experiences, Made.com, Neptune, any subscriptions, travel, Mr and Mrs Smith, as well as other selected brands from time to time.

16. Our Responsibility For Loss Or Damage Suffered By You

We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we don’t manage to fully comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with your Wedding Shop Gift Guru before confirming your order.

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to your products, including the right to receive products which are: as described and match information we provided to you and any sample or model seen or examined by you; of satisfactory quality; fit for any particular purpose made known to us; supplied with reasonable skill and care; and not defective.

We are not liable for business losses. We only supply products for domestic and private use. If you use the products for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

Total liability. Our total liability to you in respect of any losses arising as result of nondelivery of the products ordered by you shall in no circumstances exceed the cost of the product(s) ordered but not delivered.

17. Events Out Of Our Control

Our duties will be suspended in events out of our control.Occasionally our attempts to perform our duties to you under these terms may be interrupted by events out of our reasonable control. Where we become aware that this is the case, we will let you know as soon as we can and our duties will be suspended until they can be performed again. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of any of our obligations under a contract that is caused by an event outside our reasonable control.

18. How We May Use Your Personal Information

How we will use your personal information. We will use the personal information you provide to us:

  • (a) to create your online account;
  • (b) supply your gifts to you;
  • (c) to process payment for the gifts; and
  • (d) if you agreed to this during the order process, to give you information about similar products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us.

We will process your personal information in accordance with the terms in our Privacy Policy.

19. Other Important Terms

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to someone else. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else (except that you can always transfer our guarantee). You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.

Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings? These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

Our Terms And Conditions For Guests (Gift Purchasers)

1. These Terms

What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions on which we provide our products and services to you in helping you choose and purchase a gift from a list holder’s wedding gift list.

Why you should read them. Please read these terms carefully before you purchase a gift from a gift list. These terms let you know who we are, how we will provide your gifts to the holders of your chosen gift list, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact us to discuss.

Right to amend these terms. We may amend these terms from time to time. We will notify you in writing if there is any material change to these terms, but please check back for the latest terms that apply.

2. About Us And How To Contact Us

Who are we? We are Wedding List Solutions Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 02519495 and our registered office address is at The Metro Building 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, London, England, W6 8DL. We trade under the name The Wedding Shop.

How to contact us. If you would like to know more about the products or services we provide, you can call our customer service team on 020 7384 8400, email them at hello@weddingshop.com or write to us at our registered office address.

How we may contact you. If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provide to us when you purchased a gift for a couple or list holder.

3. Getting Started

In completing the purchase of a gift (whether online, over the phone or in person), you have accepted these terms and conditions, and this is the point where a contract is formed between us and you.

4. Overview Of How Our Service Works From A Guest Purchaser Perspective

  • After registering an account with us, our couples compile a list of different gifts that they would like. These gifts could be products, experiences, services or cash contributions towards honeymoon funds, other funds and charitable donations.
  • You as one of their guests, should you so choose, then purchase the gift(s) of your choice for them.
  • The monies that you use to buy these gifts are monies that have been pledged.
  • The couple can use these pledges to place an order for gifts. (There are stipulations as to how they can use your pledges.)
  • It’s important to note that we offer our couples flexibility in the gifts that they ultimately would like to place an order for. We have always offered this flexibility because not all of their list may have been purchased and so couples may want to switch some items around. We want them to be completely happy with their final gift list before we order and deliver it. To achieve this flexibility, your pledge may be used to purchase a different item to the one you originally selected.
  • Once couples place an order for the gifts we start the process of fulfilment.
  • For your and the couple’s convenience, we deliver your gift(s) directly to them. We source your gift specifically for the couple, and due to our highly personalised service, some of our products have longer lead times than others. Once orders are confirmed, gifts are delivered within 4-8 weeks, and on a date of the couple’s choosing.
  • For cash contributions, we will transfer these pledges to the relevant couple’s and list holder’s bank account.
  • For charity contributions, we will transfer your pledges directly to the couple's bank account. From there, they can easily donate the funds to their charity of choice.

5. Group Gifting

Group Gifting gives you the option to make contributions towards higher-priced gifts. Should the full amount needed to purchase the item not be fully pledged by the list holder’s guests, the list holder will receive the partial value of what has been pledged into their Wedding Shop account. The list holder has the option of topping this amount up themselves to the full amount of the item and ordering it. If they choose not to top this up, the partial pledges will be put within their TWS account to be spent only on our branded products.

6. You And Your Pledges

On any cash contributions or honeymoon funds, should you purchase these for the couple, we will charge you a 1.9% handling fee, which is simply to cover the transaction costs charged by our payment gateway provider, Stripe. For example, if you gift £100 to a cash fund, we will charge you £101.90 in total and the couple will receive your £100 gift.

If you're contributing to charity donations, you won't be charged this fee. The Wedding Shop pays the transaction costs on charitable donations as a gesture of goodwill for your generosity towards a good cause.

There are no fees attached to pledging towards any of our branded products, vouchers, or custom products.

7. Price Match

We never inflate our prices. All branded products are sold at the
Recommended Retail Price (RRP) provided by the relevant suppliers. If you find a lower price, we offer a price match guarantee for purchases that meet the following criteria:

Eligible Retailers

We offer price matching against the following brands:

  • Amazon (eligible for electricals only: tech, TV & audio, small and large home appliances, smart tech). The item must be sold directly by Amazon and not a third-party seller.
  • Apple
  • Currys
  • Dunelm
  • House of Fraser
  • John Lewis
  • Selfridges
  • Next
  • Marks & Spencer

Eligibility Criteria

  • Price matching is only valid for items with a standard RRP. Price matches will not be honoured for items subject to seasonal sales, including but not limited to Black Friday, Summer Sale, or other promotional events.
  • Items must be in stock with the competitor at the time of the price match request.
  • To qualify, customers must submit a price comparison request to our customer care team within 48 hours of purchase. This must include a link to the like-for-like item.

Submitting A Price Match Request

  • Email our customer care team with proof of the competitor's price and product details within the required timeframe.
  • Our team will review and verify the information provided to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria.

Refund Process

  • Once the price match is approved, the difference will be refunded to the original payment card within 5-7 business days.


  • This policy applies to products that are identical in brand, model, and specifications.
  • We reserve the right to decline a price match request if it does not meet the terms outlined above.

8. Placing Their Orders

When the list holders are ready, they will place an order for the gifts they would like to order. They can place an order online in their account or through their Gift Guru. Please note that they must place an order before we will go ahead and order these gifts from our suppliers.

9. Delivery Of Their Gifts

For guests, delivery on branded products is free over £75, and £3.99 below that. Couples then select a delivery day for their gifts once their gifts have arrived in the warehouse. We deliver almost anywhere in the UK, but we are sometimes unable to offer this complimentary service to remote areas, or where the item(s) are unusually difficult to deliver. In these cases, we will work with our couples and our suppliers to find the best solution

*Complimentary delivery is not applicable for larger and/or heavier items, such as furniture and outdoor products. In cases where the supplier of the furniture/bulky item charges a delivery charge, we will charge the fee quoted to us by the supplier or the third-party delivery company (if applicable).

If our couples reside outside of the UK (including the Crown Dependencies), or wish to have their gifts shipped overseas, this falls outside our complimentary delivery. In these cases, there will be a delivery fee as well as applicable import costs to factor in. For both our couples and list holders’ convenience and ours, we will group as many items together as possible.

After the couple has confirmed their order, we begin collating their wedding gifts. Each gift is sourced individually — and specifically — for them, and every item is handled with care and safely stored while we fulfill their whole registry. Compiling their tailor-made list takes a little time to ensure it arrives perfectly. Gifts are usually delivered within 4-8 weeks, with most arriving at our warehouse within 4 weeks. When the couple is ready, they schedule a delivery on a day convenient to them, including Saturdays.

Some of our branded products are artisanal and made to order. Lead times are longer than average for these types of gifts. In these instances, we will alert the list holders to any issues in fulfilling gifts on their list.

10. Your Cancellation And Refund Rights

Under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have the right to cancel your pledge and receive a full refund during the time period set out below.

Your right to cancel a purchase starts from the day you purchase a gift from the list holders’ gift list and receive an email from us confirming this purchase and ends 14 days later.

If you would like a refund, we will refund you the full price that you paid and we will refund you on the debit card or credit card which was used by you to pay.

11. Financial Guarantee

We want you to have complete peace of mind. Any pledged monies that are needed to complete and fulfil your couple’s list are held in a separate trust account until used for fulfilment. This trust account is 100% ring-fenced and separate from our company’s bank account. Our couples’ funds are protected in trust and guaranteed. 

12. Our Responsibility For Loss Or Damage Suffered By You

We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we don’t manage to fully comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen.

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of the couple’s legal rights in relation to their products, including the right to receive products which are: as described and match information we provided to them and any sample or model seen or examined by them; of satisfactory quality; fit for any particular purpose made known to us; supplied with reasonable skill and care; and not defective.

We are not liable for business losses. We only supply products for domestic and private use. If couples use the products for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to them or you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

Total liability. Our total liability to you in respect of any losses arising as result of non-delivery of the products ordered by you shall in no circumstances exceed the cost of the product(s) ordered.

13. Events Out Of Our Control

Our duties will be suspended in events out of our control.Occasionally our attempts to perform our duties to you under these terms may be interrupted by events out of our reasonable control. Where we become aware that this is the case, we will let you know as soon as we can and our duties will be suspended until they can be performed again. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of any of our obligations under a contract that is caused by an event outside our reasonable control.

14. How We May Use Your Personal Information

How we will use your personal information. We will use the personal information you provide to us:

  • (a) to let the list holders know that you purchased a gift(s) for them;
  • (b) to pass on your message to the list holders (if you decide to leave one);
  • (c) to process payment for the gifts; and
  • (d) to contact you with an email notification of your purchase.

We will process your personal information in accordance with the terms in our Privacy Policy.

15. Other Important Terms

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to someone else. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else (except that you can always transfer our guarantee). You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.

Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings? These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in either the Scottish or the English courts.

If you live in Northern Ireland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the service in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

16. Promotions

‘Promotions’ include magazine promotions, partner promotions, promotion vouchers and our ‘Refer a Friend’ promotion and any other promotion we may run from time to time.

March 2024 Guest Promotion

This competition is for guests who have used The Wedding Shop only. To enter, guests must refer a friend to The Wedding Shop. Each referral counts as one entry - multiple entries are welcome. For the referral to work, the referred individual must sign up to The Wedding Shop using the link provided in the email campaign.

  • The competition opens Wednesday 6th March 2024 and closes at 11:59 pm on the 31st March 2024.
  • The prize includes a £200 AirBnb voucher, £200 Selfridges voucher and £200 cash towards travel expenses.
  • The judge’s decision is final and no dialogue shall be entered into.
  • The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entrants and will be contacted via email from The Wedding Shop and informed how to accept the prize.
  • If the winner does not accept the prize within 14 days after the winner has been notified, The Wedding Shop has the right to select another winner to receive the prize.
  • The Wedding Shop has the right to change the T&Cs of this competition at any point. Although very unlikely, the prizes may change.